The dignity of Humankind
Ubuntu as i call it " the law of human dignity"
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Ubuntu in certain regions of south africa , when someone does something wrong , he is taken to the center of the village &surrounded by his tribe for two days while they speak of all the good he has done . they believe each person is good , yet sometimes we make mistakes , which is really a cry of help . they unite in this ritual to encourage the person to reconnect with his true nature . the belief is that unity &affirmation have more power to change behaviour than shame & punishment .This is known as
Ubuntu .Humanity towards others
This is in fact the serprise i was looking for its one of my researches about humanity is it still there all over the world !!!!!what iam looking for iam happy i found , when we treat human beings as human beings not less than that , when we accept the nature of our weakness and we can do mistakes according to our lacks , our imperfection , we will be willing to go through few steps but very important to can improve from our abilities and our behaviours before& after mistakes . 1 step is to accept our imperfection 2 step is to learn from our mistake alesson that can provide later our situations and enhance our knowledge to can be richable by lessons make from us alegend of great teacher from master mistakes , 3 if we faced the same situations and we gain the same mistakes , we will advice by atune close to warnning for the results that will effect you from same mistakes when the chance of forgiveness became less .4 the warning tune directly before the punishment , we gave more than one chance from learning , advising, warninng
5 punishment is the last choice not the first one , because in this stage we gave all chances and all lessons to avoid doing mistakes , its the duty we all need to know for others rights in life . even the mistaker him or herself will be aware that he or she got all rights as human being and we acceptd his or her imperfection from the beginning and tried for many times to improve and develope his behaviours .then he/she
wont feel unfair or revenge after punishment .This is how we should all over the world use in our homes, schools,clubs,courts,laws. i defend humanity and everyone's rights and we all know , the criminal was born an innocent child and what made from him/her criminal its the enviroment , house, school, friends,poverty,miss educational . noone wanted to be a criminal in life , we feel sorry for who killed and who died .. many think that life is only can be in one example " Hunt or be hunted " we are not in jungle here .we are human beings and we all need to be happy in our lifes , we need to have as children tender mom and tolernt dad .. when we miss this circle .we will miss the good behaviours and that what encourage our imperfection to be shown up not to overcome it . i love to see all children everywhere having what they need in their childhood "real love, carness,curness,knowledge,respect,tolerance" from our homes we create our soceities we all seek for . children who is beloved in their homes ,go to school to learn , while children who is not go to school to beloved .so why i let my children miss the chance of learning because they miss love in their families . its why we in united nations for
women"UN women we empower and encourage all women all over the world to be the best they can be and to love themselves first to can give love to their children in houses as mothers , in schools as teachers .everywhere you women are the power and solution .and once you believe the secrets and gifts of your existence , you will solve all of world's issues
يجب أن تنتشر بين all..the الآباء والأمهات و المعلمين في المدارس ، الموجهين والمرشدين والمدربين الحياة skills..the النظام القضائي أيضا ..
أن التسامح و المحبة هي أفضل الوسائل بالنسبة لنا للقتال مع مشاكل المجتمع ..