South Sudan In War Not Independence

Humanity is sleeping while portugal win Euro 2016 in final 

In Jul 11 2011 United Nations NewYork city , Amid great jublation ,South Sudan became The world's newest state formally seceding from Sudan to attain independence in the culmination of A UN facilitated peace process that ended decades of conflicts . 

Secertary - General Ban kimoon , who was among the dozens of dignitaries from across the world attending the independence ceremony in the country's capital of Juba pledging that UN would help the new nation established of governance .

Here is the celebration of south sudan independence .

Look now where we are from South Sudan independence 

10 Jul 2016 ,After 5 years of independence , South Sudan smoke rises over juba during renewed out breaks of violence . 

smoke was seen rising over the eye Radio compound in Juba , The capital of South Sudan ,on sunday ,following resurgence in violence over the weekend . Unfortunately An estimated 272 people have died as result of fighting in the past couple of days , resulting in an increasing in tense security situation .

Its reported that soliders from various armed factions have been mostly affected .South Sudan gained independence on 9 jul 2011 following a referedum , but conflict resurged in the newly formed country in Dec 2013 when president of South Sudan " Salva Kir Mayardit " accused vice president "  Riekmachar " of a hempting a coup 

Rt - Ruptly covering 

Pan Kimoon today 11 jul 2016 IN UN platform ,Asked from UN to enhance global peace forces in South Sudan . 

Here is avideo shows alittle about what happened 9,10 jul the last 2 days in south sudan

   We ALL know that Sudan one of the most richable sources all over the world with petrolum and its sources , so you can guess why the seperation happened , not because the gangs and wars there its all was been feeded for some political purposes , only sudan people who pay now for it . Unhappy to watch the results of independence , is the turn will come with UK when get independence , always we pay for our choices when we dont have long terms goals for it , This is absloutely the results of seperation , because when we are united nothing ever can defeat us . I would be happy if i say all of us have the sense of wisdom , it gives always the right choice in the right time with no loses , we always busy our minds with football matches ,  "portugal wins Euro 2016 in final " in the same days of the disaster of South Sudan , 272 were died while millions busy with the Europian Cup . Its so our responsibilities whats happening Around the world , i believe and said before " when everyone change his priorities , we will make a differance "  , as i said as well " its not important enough to be apresident as important to make adifference "  , i hope all who read my article , which shows our 2 different worlds , choose the best for him/her and others in same time , lets start to kill our selfishness , jealous

,envy ,anger , lets convert our negative energy into positive one , because you will never gain anything good from your negative energy , instead you will lose , being positive is strength for you and benefits for all around , we need to be aware as people by everything happens around us , not just say "Oooh , so sad to hear this , God makeup for you , iam sorry to see our countries go through this , i feel sad for poor people who die everyday , for innocenr victims " believe me like this you can never change the world , All what you need to discover the abilities of yourself that God Gifted you with to Use in yourlife and in others'life , believe in you that you have arole , noone can change it about yourself , dont listen to who say " No we cant change " its because they didnt believe in their abilities to make achange and dont believe in others .. Iam here and many of us in the world try to change and encourage others to make adifference in the world ,dont take my article as abook you bought to read and thats it , we need to see it as A God message Because God challenged all creation by Human beings .. We never need to disappoint God , we need to prove he is totally right about our magical existence our abilities our true love to Him &Universe .
Come & Share with me the results of believing in yourself !


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