The World faces the worst human suffering since world war 2 .
UN SDG's is regarding
" change the world "check this article with open heart and help in achieveing UN SDG's "sustainable development goals" inorderto change the world .iam grateful for UN to give headlines for people to demonstrate world's issues & its solutions .
Its acall for only who has heart and no blind eyes 
"better world" = " No poverty No wars" 
To help United nation make adifference and change the whole world it needs to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals , we need to stand up for our suffering world with everything we have . all suffering people waiting for us and they have hope to rescue their life .
Its not about 1% who control the world
its about 99% who watching and silent
Good people always there , if you give 1hour everyday for your suffering world , the world will be better , dont say iam just one person cant change the world , you cant do everything right but you can do something , once you do that something everyone will do his role and we all will start to make adiiference together ,we only need to be united and will never be defeated 👫

1 billion around the world suffer And you only watch tv and play games ,most of people cant see their real role in life yet !
the hope we all seek for our world still there and your time to do something is right now , make groups in your community to achieve the 17 goals here to change the world , who dying everyday call you to start your role , Justice always the way to end poverty , when no poverty no terrorism can abuse poor people to use them in killing innocent human beings .
one of the sources : guardanian magazine